Elastic Isotropic Material
This command is used to construct an ElasticIsotropic material object.
- nDMaterial ElasticIsotropic $matTag $E $v <$rho>
Argument |
Type |
Description |
$matTag |
integer |
unique tag identifying material |
$E |
float |
elastic Modulus |
$v |
float |
Poisson’s ratio |
$rho |
float |
mass density. optional default = 0.0. |
The material formulations for the ElasticIsotropic object are “ThreeDimensional,” “PlaneStrain,” “Plane Stress,” “AxiSymmetric,” and “PlateFiber.” Formulations
A linear isotropic function can be expressed in terms of two parameters \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\) as follows []:
Code Developed by: Michael H. Scott