2.2. Python Install

There are two packages that can be used to install OpenSees from Python:

  1. openseespy is a Python package developed by Dr. Zhu and Prof. Scott at Oregon State University which provides Python bindings that are designed to feel like Tcl.

  2. sees is a Python package developed by Claudio Perez and colleagues at UC Berkeley which exposes the new OpenSeesRT interpreter architecture to provide both a Tcl interpreter and Python module simultaneously.

Both packages are actively developed through the central OpenSees GitHub repository.

Once Python is installed, both packages can be installed using pip on Windows, Mac, or a Linux operating system.

2.2.1. OpenSeesPy

  • To install

    python -m pip install openseespy
    python -m pip install --user openseespy
  • To upgrade

    python -m pip install --upgrade openseespy
    python -m pip install --user --upgrade openseespy
  • To import

    import openseespy.opensees as ops

2.2.2. OpenSeesRT

  • To install

    python -m pip install opensees
  • To upgrade

    python -m pip install --upgrade opensees
  • To import

    import opensees.openseespy as ops