PrismFrame: Prismatic linear-elastic frame#

The PrismFrame element represents a linear-elastic prismatic beam element.

Model.element("PrismFrame", tag, nodes, section=None, transform=None, *args)#
  • tag (int) – unique element tag

  • nodes (tuple) – tuple of two integer node tags

  • section (int) – section tag

  • transform (int) – identifier for previously-defined coordinate-transformation

The valid eleResponse queries to this element are 'force'.


The following example constructs an elastic element with tag 1 between nodes 2 and 4 with an area of 5.5, Young’s modulus \(E\) of 100.0 and an Iz of 1e6 which uses the geometric transformation object with a tag of 9

  1. Tcl Code

    element PrismFrame 1 2 4 5.5 100.0 1e6 9;
  2. Python Code

    model.element("PrismFrame", 1, (2, 4), 5.5, 100.0, 1.0e6, 9)




Code developed by: Claudio M. Perez (University of California, Berkeley).