ZeroLengthContactASDimplex Element#

This command is used to construct zeroLengthContactASDimplex element object. The zeroLengthContactASDimplex element is a 2-node zeroLength contact element with the following features:

  1. It is a penalty-based frictional contact element following the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.

  2. It can use a standard Backward-Euler integration scheme, or an IMPL-EX integration scheme. The IMPL-EX integration performs a linear extrapolation of the internal variables during the global newton iterations. In this way the element depends only linearly on the trial strain. In the commit stage, instead, a standard implicit computation is performed to partially correct the error generated by the explicit computation. For more details, please refer to [OliverEtAl].

  3. It can be used in both 2D and 3D problems.

  4. This element supports both 2 and 3 DOFs in 2D problems, and both 3,4 and 6 DOFs in 3D problems.

  5. The two nodes can have different DOFs, so this element can be easily used to connect different elements (Solids (3 DOFs) to Beams/Shells (6 DOFs) or UP-Solids (4 DOFs).

  6. It can be arbitrarily oriented in space, using a user-defined contact vector. If not specified, the global X axis is considered as contact vector.


Fig. 56 Nodes and contact direction#

element ZeroLengthContactASDimplex $eleTag $n1 $n2 $Kn $Kt $mu <-orient $nx $ny $nz> <-intType $type>






unique integer tag identifying element object

$n1 $n2

2 integer

the two nodes defining the element



Penalty stiffness for normal contact



Penalty stiffness for tangential contact



friction coefficient = tan(Phi) where Phi is the angle of internal friction



optional flag, if provided, the user should specify the 3 components of the normal contact vector. If not provided the global X axis is used

$nx $ny $nz


the 3 components of the normal contact vector. Note that also for 2D problems all 3 components should be provided (the 3rd one must be zero)



optional flag, if provided, the user can specify the integration scheme. If not provided the default implicit scheme is used.



the integration scheme: 0 = implicit (default), 1 = IMPL-EX


Tcl Code

## model
model basic -ndm 2 -ndf 2

# nodes
node 1 0 0
node 2 0 0

# a linear time series
timeSeries Linear 1

# contact element
set Kn 1.0e10
set Kt 100.0
set mu 0.5
element zeroLengthContactASDimplex 1   1 2   $Kn $Kt $mu -orient 0 1 0

# initial fixities
fix 1 1 1
fix 2 1 0

# set normal force = -10
set N -10.0
pattern Plain 1 1 {
  load 2 0.0 $N
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system FullGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-6 10 0
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 1.0
analysis Static
analyze 1
loadConst -time 0.0

# remove horizontal constraint
remove sp 2 1

# apply an horizontal imposed displacement = 1
pattern Plain 2 1 {
  sp 2 1 1.0
constraints Transformation
numberer Plain
system FullGeneral
test NormDispIncr 1.0e-6 10 0
algorithm Newton
integrator LoadControl 0.01
analysis Static
analyze 100

# check results
set reference [expr abs($N*$mu)]
set RFx [expr abs([nodeReaction 2 1])]
set err [expr abs($RFx-$reference)/$reference]
puts "Expected X force: $reference"
puts "Obtained X force: $RFx"
puts "Relative Error: [expr $err*100.0] %"

Code Developed by: Onur Deniz Akan at IUSS, Italy & Massimo Petracca at ASDEA Software, Italy.

Oliver, Javier, Alfredo Edmundo Huespe, and J. C. Cante. “An implicit/explicit integration scheme to increase computability of non-linear material and contact/friction problems.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197.21-24 (2008): 1865-1889. (Link to article)