E-SFI-MVLEM-3D Element#
The E-SFI-MVLEM-3D model (Kolozvari et al, 2023) is a three-dimensional four-node element with 24 DOFs that incorporates axial-flexural-shear interaction and can be used for nonlinear analysis of non-rectangular reinforced concrete walls subjected to multidirectional loading. The E-SFI-MVLEM-3D model is derived by combining two previously available models, a two-dimensional E-SFI model, and a three-dimensional SFI-MVLEM-3D model. The major enhancement in the model formulation compared to its parent SFI-MVLEM-3D comes from implementing a closed-form solution for calculating horizontal axial strains at fibers of the wall element. This significantly reduced the number of element degrees of freedom, which resulted in analysis run-time that is reduced to approximately 25% and a convergence rate that is increased roughly two times.
For additional information please visit E-SFI-MVLEM-3D GitHub Page.
This element shall be used in Domain defined with -ndm 3 -ndf 6.
Input Parameters#
element E_SFI_MVLEM_3D eleTag iNode jNode kNode lNode m -thick {Thicknesses} -width {Widths} -mat {Material_tags} <-CoR c> <-ThickMod tMod> <-Poisson Nu> <-Density Dens>
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eleTag |
integer |
unique element object tag |
iNode jNode kNode lNode |
4 integer |
tags of element nodes defined in counterclockwise direction| |
m |
integer |
number of element fibers |
{Thicknesses} |
m float |
array of m fiber thicknesses |
{Widths} |
m float |
array of m macro-fiber widths |
{Material_tags} |
m float |
array of m macro-fiber nDMaterial (FSAM) tags |
c |
float |
location of center of rotation from the base (optional; default = 0.4 (recommended)) |
tMod |
float |
thickness multiplier (optional; default = 0.63 equivalent to 0.25Ig for out-of-plane bending) |
Nu |
float |
Poisson ratio for out-of-plane bending (optional; default = 0.25) |
Dens |
float |
Density (optional; default = 0.0) |
The following recorders are available with the E-SFI-MVLEM-3D element.
Recorder |
Description |
globalForce |
Element global forces |
Curvature |
Element curvature |
ShearDef |
Element deformation |
RCPanel $fibTag $Response |
Returns RC panel (macro-fiber) $Response for a $fibTag-th panel (1 ≤ fibTag ≤ m). For available $Response-s refer to nDMaterial (FSAM) |
OpenSeesPy Documentation#
User input for OpenSeesPy is essentially the same as for SFI_MVLEM_3D, with the exception of the element name. OpenSeesPy user documetation for the SFI_MVLEM_3D element can be accessed from HERE.
Kristijan Kolozvari, Carlos N. López, Leonardo M. Massone (2023), “Efficient Three-dimensional Shear-flexure Interaction Model for Reinforced Concrete Walls”, Engineering Structures, Vol. 294, 116700. (link).