
This command is used to construct an eight-node brick, which uses the standard isoparametric formulation.

Model.element("Brick", tag, nodes, material, *args, **kwargs)#
  • tag – integer tag identifying the element

  • nodes – tuple of integer tags identifying the nodes that form the element

  • material – integer tag identifying the nDMaterial

  • args – optional arguments

  • kwargs – optional keyword arguments


Fig. 33 Brick element node numbering#


This element can only be defined in a Model with ndm=3 and ndf=3.


The valid queries to a Brick element when creating an ElementRecorder are

  1. 'forces',

  2. 'stresses,',

  3. 'strains' and

  4. 'material $mat args...' Where $mat refers to the material object at the integration point corresponding to the node numbers in the isoparametric domain.


The following example constructs a brick element with tag 1 between nodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 with an nDMaterial of tag 1 and body forces given by varaiables b1, b2, b3.

  1. Python Code

    model.element("Brick",1, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), 1, (b1, b2, b3))
  2. Tcl Code

    element Brick 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 $b1 $b2 $b3

Code Developed by: Edward Love, Sandia National Laboratories