
This command returns a list of all defined coordinate transformation object tags



The following example is used to set the variable currentTime to current state of time in the Domain

  1. Tcl Code (note use of set and [ ])

    This example creates a set of geomTransf objects and the asks for a list of all the created objects using the command getCrdTransfTags and assigning the list to the variable called allCrdTransfTags, then prints them.

    model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6
    geomTransf Linear 1        0                -1               0                -jntOffset 100              0                0                -0               -0               -0
    geomTransf Linear 2        0                -1               0                -jntOffset 0                0                0                -0               -0               -0
    geomTransf Linear 3        0                -1               0                -jntOffset 0                0                0                -0               -0               -0
    geomTransf Linear 4        0                -1               0                -jntOffset 0                0                0                -0               -0               -0
    geomTransf Linear 5        0                -1               0                -jntOffset 0                0                0                -0               -0               -0
    set allCrdTransfTags [getCrdTransfTags]
    puts $allCrdTransfTags
  2. Python Code

    # missing

Code developed by: fmk