
This command is used to obtain state information from an element.

model.eleResponse(tag, *args)#

The quantities that can be obtained from the element are the same as that whcih can be obtained using the Element Recorder. Note:

  1. The values obtained are for the current state of the element.

  2. The arguments are specific to the type of element being used and are the same as those that are used in Element Recorder.


Then following code can be used to obtain the current state related to the forces and the material stress in element 1, a Truss element.

  1. Tcl Code

    set forces [eleResponse 1 forces]
    set stress [eleResponse 1 material stress]
  1. Python Code

    forces = model.eleResponse(1, "forces")
    stress = model.eleResponse(1, 'material', "stress")

Code developed by: fmk