
This command is used to construct a four-node quadrilateral element, which uses a bilinear isoparametric interpolation, derived against a three field variational principle in \(\boldsymbol{u}-p-\vartheta\).

model.element("MixedQuad", tag, nodes, section)#
  • tag – integer tag identifying the element

  • nodes – tuple of integer tags identifying the nodes that form the element

  • section

    tuple or int. If int, it is the tag of a previously defined PlaneSection. If tuple, it is a tuple of the form (thick, type, material) where

    thick float

    element thickness

    type |str|

    string representing material behavior. The type parameter can be either 'PlaneStrain' or 'PlaneStress'

    material integer

    tag of an General Materials


This element is PlainStrain only.


Fig. 29 MixedQuad element node numbering#

The valid eleResponse queries to this element are

  • 'forces',

  • 'stresses' and

  • 'material $matNum matArg1 matArg2 ...' Where $matNum refers to the material object at the integration point corresponding to the node numbers in the isoparametric domain.


With four nodes, the element is equivalent to the Q1/P0 formulation. This formulation is suitable for nearly-incompressible response, but is not suitable for bending dominated problems.

Code Developed by: Edward Love, Sandia National Laboratories